147 Shorter Time for Circular letter received from Preston N. E. asking duration of Matches for our support for shorter time (Say 40 mins. each way) for league matches during mid season. Decided same could not be given. Lancs. F. A. Council Decided to nominate retiring officials & to pay Sub & Cup Entry fee for next Season. Collections Application for collections on ground from Merseyside Fund for the Blind and King George's Fund for Sailors, received, but same were not entertained. St. Lukes Church Agreed to let the Vicar have use of the Practice Ground for a fete on the afternoon of 9th June next. Medical a/c A/c received from Dr. Strock amounting to re Dean £8.18.6 for fee re Dean. Decided to pay same. Players on Transfer Lists received from Port Vale & Plymouth Argyle F. C.'s but no action taken. Benefit It was decided to make application to the Football League for permission to pay E. Sagar a benefit of £650. F. Blundell It was decided to increase this employee's wages to £2.10.10 per week as from end of present playing season. Retained and} The List of professional players was gone through Transfer Lists} and it was decided to offer engagements for next season to the following players viz. E. Sagar, W. Cook, B. Williams, C. Britton, T. A. White, J. Thomson, C. W. Gee, A. Geldard, W. R. Dean, J. Stein at £6 Summer £8 per week Playing Season, J. Deighton £3 & £3, W. Cresswell £6 & £6, G. Jackson £3.10.0 & £3.10.0, J. E. Jones £3.10.0 & £3.10.0, A. Clark £5 & £6, J. Archer £6 & £6, J. Mercer £5 & £5, H. Griffiths £2.10.0 & £3, T. G. Watson £3 & £4, E. Critchley £4 & £5, J. Dunn £4 & £5, C. R. Webster £3 & £3, J. N. Cunliffe £6 & £7, C. Leyfield £4 & £4, J. G. Watson £3 & £4, S. J. Bentham £3 & £4, N. Higham £5 & £5, T. Kavanagh £3 & £4