
		v Aston Villa Res. (h)
		Deighton, Jackson, Jones, Mercer, Clark, Archer,
		Critchley, Bentham, Dean, Leyfield, Archer. Res Kavanagh

Directors to Chelsea	Messrs W. C. Gibbins & G. Evans	

    "    to Wembley	  "  W. C. Cuff, E. Green, J. Sharp, A. Coffey & Dr. C. S. Baxter

Reports re Players	Mr. T. Kelly reported that after a moderate opening
Dodd (Doncaster R.) this C. F. had played very well afterwards.

Bell (Tranmere)		Mr. H. Hart reported that this player had not
		a very good day, was an opportunist ,did not
		provide openings.

Treanor (Bury)		Mr. J. Fare stated that this man (L. H.) was 5.9 abs. 10½ st
		& about 20 & had the makings of a very good player
		as good as any half back on the field.

L. Macpherson		It was agreed to request the New Brighton F. C.
		to place this player on their transfer list to League at

Painting Goodison}	It was decided to accept the specification of
Rd. Stand}	Goodless, Wall & Co. Ld. with certain additions. Decided
		to have 60 copies made & to advertise for Tenders, each
		Contractor to pay a fee of £2.2.0 for a copy such
		fee to be refunded on receipt of a tender.

Heating System		It was decided to write to the L'pool Corpn.
& Drying Room	(Electrical Dept.) & the L'pool Gas Co. to inspect the
		premises, and make suggestions & give estimates for
		the provision of a New heating system & New Drying

Birkenhead}		Letter received from Mr. R. Hughes asking us
Hospital Cup}	if we would play a match v Tranmere Rovers for
		this Cup. Decided to do so on Wed. 2nd May next.

Belfast Celtic F. C.}	Letter read from this Club re proposed
Proposed Benefit Match} benefit match for this player R. Ferguson.
		Decided to reply that we were unable to find a
		date to do so owing to heavy nature of our own