					Lancashire Football Association.

								42, ST. GEORGE’S PLACE,
										22nd March, 1934.


		    At a Conference between representatives of the Clubs competing for the Lancashire
		Football Association Senior Cup, and of the Council of the Lancashire Football Association,
		to consider how interest in the Senior Cup Competition can be increased and particularly
		with a view to securing the future financial security of the Association, the following
		suggestions were made:—

		    1.— That all matches in the Competition should be played on Saturdays, with the
			exception of the Preliminary Round, which will be played on week-evenings
			during the period of summer time coming within the playing season.
		    2.— The Rule requiring Clubs to play their full strength to be altered, allowing
			them to play their best available strength.
			This would allow—and is specially intended to allow—Clubs to play their
			Reserve and Central League teams.
		    3.— The Clubs to compete to be the present Clubs taking part in the Senior Cup
			Competition and six others, to be selected by the Council of the Association,
			two of which would be the Junior Cup Finalists in the previous season.
			The figure six is only a suggested figure and would introduce into the Compe-
			tition Clubs that could well claim to be of equal strength to the Reserve
			teams of League Clubs.
		    4.— In the Preliminary Round the Council to exempt 10 Clubs from competition in
			that round.
			The figure 10 would depend on the No. 6 in Clause 3. If the figure 6 is varied,
			the figure 10 would be varied accordingly.
		    5.— All non-League Clubs selected to play in the Senior Cup shall be eligible to
			play in the Junior Cup Competition.
			This would prevent the Junior Cup Competition suffering and give some financial
			assistance to the stronger clubs in the Junior Cup Competition to recompense them
			for the loss they must inevitably sustain through meeting weaker teams in the
			Junior Cup.
		    6.— The prices of admission prior to the Semi-Finals Ties to be 7d., and in the
			Semi-Finals and Final, 1/-
		    7.— Unless the Clubs and the Council of the Lancashire Football Association approve
			otherwise the Semi-Finals and Final ties must be played on a neutral ground.
		    8.— The Competition shall be finished so as to allow a match to be played on or before
			the second Saturday in May between the Cup Winners and a team to be selected
			from the Clubs in the County, the net proceeds to be devoted to the funds of
			the Lancashire Football Association.

		    The Council have only had the suggestions placed before them and have not discussed them,
		so that no decision has been arrived at, but as the proposals would affect your Club or Compe-
		tition, we should be glad if you would give full consideration to them and let me have your views
		upon them, always keeping in mind the financial necessities of the Association.

		    I should be glad of your views by not later than 12th April next, so that the replies
		can be tabulated and presented to the Council for consideration at a Meeting to be held on
		the 19th of that month.

								Yours faithfully,
									J. Hargreaves