
N. Brighton v Bristol City Mr. A. R. Wade reported that Major (New Brighton)
		was a good young C. H. & strongly recommended him, and
		Scattergood (Bristol City) a good young goalkeeper.

Griffiths (Southport)	Mr. H. Hart reported that after watching this
		player again he could not recommend him.

Gateshead v Halifax	Mr. F. W. Lake reported that Meek (J. F.) of Gateshead
		was the best inside forward he had seen this
		season & that Spedding (Gateshead) was a good
		useful half back. He however gave a poor
		account of Chambers (C. F.) of Halifax.

New Players		Secy. reported that the respective Clubs were
		not prepared to part with the following players
		at present:- Mills (Chelsea), Dodds (Doncaster Rovers)
		& Baxter (Middlesbro).

Enquiries for		Secy. reported that he had received enquiries
Players 	for our players on transfer viz. Chester F. C. re
		McGourty or Dunn, Millwall Ath. re Critchley
		Manchester United re Coggins, Stoke City re Turner
		& Brighton & Hove re Coggins, Turner & Clark.

Matches in Holland	Letter read from Mr. J. Smith asking if we would
		play two matches, one at Rotterdam & another at Amsterdam
		in 1st or 2nd week in May- Not entertained.

Transfer of Shares	The following transfer was approved:-
		Exor of A. F. V. Manger to J. V. Underwood 2 Shares Nos. 1338 & 2351.

F. O. King		The Secy.'s action in arranging with this player's
		Father to sign this player on at £4 per week close
		season & £5 per week playing season from 13th inst.
		to 4th May 1935, with Signing on Bonus of £10
		was confirmed.

Testimonial to		It was decided to confirm the previous
T. Barcroft	decision not to contribute to this Fund.

League Match		Confirmation received from Football League
v Huddersfield T. to play this postponed match on Apl. 25th next.