Everton Shield It was agreed to let our ground for this
Shield Final on a date to be mutually agreed upon.
Applications for These were received from L'pool & District Alliance.
Use of Ground Kirkdale F. C. & L'pool City League, but same
were left over for the present.
F. O. King Secy. was instructed to proceed to interview
this amateur players father with powers to
sign the player on as a pro up to £5 per week
for this Season & next.
W. C. C. The conduct of this player was discussed
and it was decided to have him placed under
Surveillance by a Private Detective Agency.
Dunn J. A proposition to have this player's transfer
fee increased to £2500 was not carried. The fee
to remain as fixed at last meeting.
Players to watch Mr. E. Green to watch Baxter (M'bro) if available.
" J. Sharp do Mills (Chelsea) do
Secy. to arrange for Manders (Crystal Palace)
& Jones (Wrexham) to be seen.
Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Monday next at 6 pm.
Confirmed as Correct
W. C. Cuff