121 Haydock Congs Mr. H. Hart reported that Goundrill (O. R.) was very Players moderate but (L. B.) was very promising. Irish Free State Further letter read from I. F. S. A. appealing Belgium for Stevenson to play in this match, but it was decided to reply that our previous decision could not be altered. Vacuum Cleaner Agreed that Mr. A. R. Wade have power to purchase this. Players & Staff Wages It was agreed to apply to the F. L. to increase Cunliffe's wages to £8 per week when playing in 1st. team. J. E. Jones to have £1 per week extra, and that H. Sadler (Groundsman) have 10/- per week extra, but to deliver match bills in his own time. Gwladys St Property It was decided that Mr. A. R. Wade obtain intimates to put this property into a sanitary condition. Letter of Thanks Letter received from the League of Welldoers thanking the Board for their donation. Whitchurch F. C. An application from this Club for a donation was not entertained. G. Turner Letter received from Southend United F. C. that they were not prepared to pay £750 for this players transfer. St. John's Ambulance An Application from this Ambulance for an additional donation was not entertained. Transfer of Shares The following transfer of shares was approved:- Robt. Killip to Union Credit Corpn. Ld. 3 share No. 2412 & 1164 & 1165. T. A. Barcroft } An application for a donation to this Fund Testimonial } was not entertained. L'pool Challenge} Secy. reported that the Earlestown White Cup } Star F. C. had protested against the elegibility of two of our players (Redfern & Litherland) in our Cup Tie with them on 3rd inst. Players on Transfer Lists received from Bury & Bradford F. C's. but no action taken. Players for Transfer Decided this matter be dealt with next meeting.