
		at a fee of £2750. The player had been signed on
		up to the end of Season 1934-5 at maximum wages
		with a signing on fee of £10. This engagement
		was confirmed.

Benefit Match		Mr. E. Green also reported that the Belfast
		Celtic F. C. were desirous of our playing a benefit
		match for one of their players, in April next, but
		it was decided that as we were not able to know
		at present what our commitments would be for
		that month the matter would have to stand over.

Kavanagh &		The Chairman reported that he had agreed
Bentham		with the Wigan Athletic F. C. to transfer these
		two players to us at a fee of £900. They
		had been signed on to end of present Season
		at a wage of £5 per week with £1 extra when playing
		in 1st team with a signing on fee of £10 each.
		These engagements were confirmed.

Team Selections		The following teams were selected:-
		v Middlesbro. (h) 17th inst.
		Sagar, Williams, Cook, Britton, Gee, Thomson,
		Geldard, Cunliffe or Stevenson, White or Cunliffe,
		Higham & Stein Res Johnson.

		v N'Cle United Res. (a)
		F. O. King, Cresswell, Jones, Birtley, Griffiths, Archer,
		Leyfield, McGourty, Dean, Stevenson or J. G. Watson
		& Coulter Res J. G. Watson or Clark.

Director to N'cle 	Mr. E. Green with Secretary.

Reports re Players	Mr. F. W. Lake gave a report of this match & stated
L'pool v Cheshire that the only players who were promising were
		Mayor & Swift (L'pool) & Owen (Cheshire).

Allen (Scotswood)	Mr. W. Laine reported that this C. F. was promising
		but hardly up to C. L. standard at present.

Sloan (Watford		Mr. E. Cooper gave a very poor report of
Amateurs)	this C. F.