
		v Liverpool (h) 10th inst.
		To be selected after M/c City match.

Reports re Players	Messrs E. Green, A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins & J. Sharp reported
Coleman (Arsenal) that this player had done well v ourselves until
		injured. The former stated that he had spoken to
		the Chairman of Arsenal F. C. & told him that in our
		opinion £5500 was far too much for his transfer.

Coulter (Belfast	Secy. reported that this O. L. had not played
	 Celtic) on Sat. last. It was decided that Mr. E. Green
		proceed to Ireland at the week end & endeavour
		to secure his transfer.

Sutherland		Messrs H. Hart & W. Laine gave poor report
(N. Shields)	of this I. L.

Blyth Players		Mr. T. Kelly gave a poor report of Carnaby
		(L. H.) who was very frail & also stated that Hubbick
		(L. B.) was promising & had a good left foot.

Bulger & Alcock		Mr. T. Fleetwood gave a poor report of these
(Congleton)	players stating that were not good enough for us.

Port Vale v Grimsby	Secy. gave a report of this match & referred
		to Craven (Grimsby) was a very good inside left.
		& Kelly (Grimsby) a good right back.

Smart (I. C. I.)	Mr. F. W. Lake reported that he considered
{Marsh}		this player very useful & recommended he be
		seen again.

Bantham (Wigan)		Mr. E. Cooper gave a very good report of this
		player and it was decided that the Chairman
		negotiate for his transfer.

Mr. H. Banks		It was reported that this Director was not
		quite so well.

J. Fare			Secy. reported that this employee had now
		returned to duty after his illness.

Dunn & Birtley		Enquiry received from Notts County F. C. asking
		if we were prepared to part with these players.
		Decided to reply that it was not our intention.