113 of England & George (L. B.) Leylands & Webb (O. L.) of Wales. Hallows & Adamson Dr. C. S. Baxter was impressed with (Bradford City) these forwards. The former playing at I. R. was 5'5" 10st 5 & 25. The latter was 5'10" & 11 to 12st & 18 years of age. He was fast & plucky but not yet ready. Whitehead (Whittingham) Mr. E. Cooper stated that this player was too selfish against poor opposition & shone somewhat. He was 5'7", 10½ st & 23 years old. Sutherland (N. Shields) Mr. W. Laine gave details of this I. L. who in his opinion was going to be a very good player, & was at present better than J. G. Watson. Blyth Players Letter read from this club re Hubbick, Fenwick & Carnaby. Decided to have these players seen. Allen, Scotswood Letter read from Mr. W. Laine re this C. F. Clapton Orient F. C. Secy. reported details received of Taylor (I. F.) & Mills (I. F.) of this Club but no action taken. Shares for Sale Letter read from Mr. F. Vernon offering 3 shares for Sale. This left in the hands of the Secretary to deal with. Robert Jones Memorial Request from Lord Derby for Donation to this Fund was not entertained. Mr. H. Banks Secy. reported that this Director was not so well. Mr. J. Fare He also read letter from this Official expressing his thanks to the Board. Death of Mr. T. Crompton The Meeting expressed their sincere regret of the loss of this Liverpool F. C. Directors & it was agreed that the Secy. address a letter of condolence to the relatives & that Messrs The Chairman, Vice Chairman, J. Sharp & W. C. Gibbins attend the Funeral on behalf of the Board. Liverpool F. C. Letter read from this Club regarding their Cup tie with Tranmere Rovers. Rangers F. C. Wire received from this Club re their