109 Blackshaw & Mr. F. W. Lake reported that he considered the Beech (Altrincham) former about our A team class at present. He however stated that Beech inside left who was about 20 was a good player, but at present on the small side. White (Wolverhampton Mr. J. Elliott gave a splendid report of this Amateurs) goalkeeper who was 18 and 6 ft. Hallows (Bradford C.) Mr. E. Cooper gave a good report of this player. Secy. stated that the Club would be prepared to part with him. Bentham (Wigan Ath.) Mr. T. Fleetwood gave a very good report of this inside right who was 18, 5.8½ & 10.8. Allan (Scotswood) Mr. W. Laine stated this player was 19, 5.9½ & 11.5. He was dashing, but he could not give a definite report owing to condition of ground. He was willing to come for a trial. Mills (Aberdeen) Letter read from Mr. D. Richardson re this player. Lambert (Fulham) Chairman reported that there was a possibility that the club would transfer this player, but Board decided they were not interested. League Match v The M/C City club asked that in the event M/C City of L'pool v Tranmere (F. A. Cup tie) ending in a draw the match with us fixed for 31st inst. to be postponed a further week. It was agreed to ask the League's permission to do so. Friendly Match It was decided not to fix up a match for the 27th inst. nor was an application from Inverness Thistle F. C. to play a match at Inverness during the latter part of the season entertained. J. Fare Secy. reported that this employee was still far from well. He was instructed to visit him & find out from his doctor if he thought it advisable for him to go away for a change & if so to arrange for him to do so.