102 v Skelmersdale Utd. (h) Left to Mr. Kelly. Directors to London Messrs W. C. Cuff, E. Green, A. Coffey, J. Sharp & Dr. Baxter. H. Banks The Chairman reported his visit to this Directors, & his further recommendations were agreed upon. Players to London Decided that the entire party at Buxton which now included Gee & Geldard, should travel to Tottenham. Reports re Players Mr. E. Green stated that none of the former Merthyr Players Club players were good enough but that the latter & Heale (Bristol C.) whilst not of a robust nature, was a good feeder of his outside men; & he strongly recommended that he be seen opposed to the more powerful Derby County team. O'Donnell & Napier Mr. A. Coffey reported that the former had (Celtic) played too far back & finished badly, but that the latter was good. He also liked Dawson (R. H. B.). Bell (Tranmere) Mr. W. C. Gibbins gave a favourable report of this C. F. but Mr. F. W. Lake was not impressed with him. The latter recommended Conobay (R. H.) of Darlington. L. M. S. Hotels Secy. reported receipt of revised tariff from the Queens Hotel, Birmingham. Goodison Ave. Letter read from Mr. McIntosh stating Assessments the facts of his interview with Mr. Rawdon Smith. Spanish Tour Consideration of offer from Mr. Gabbins of 3 matches in Spain in May next for a guarantee of £2000, was deferred until next meeting. Billiard Room Estimates were received from C. R. Harris (£20.17.6) & Tyson's Ltd. (£22.11.0) for boarding in of concrete portion of ceiling. The former estimate was accepted. W. H. Draper Testimonial Decided to send a sum of One Guinea to this Testimonial Fund (Property Owners Assocn. ex-Secy.) Bocking Secy. was instructed to offer this player to Brentford for £2000. Players to Watch Messrs E. Green & A. Coffey to watch Heale (Bristol) Mr. H. Hart to watch Hill (Stockport)