96 to Birmingham, stay there overnight & proceed to London on morning of 13th for F.A. Cup tie. Assessments on Secy. reported that the assessments for Rates Goodison Avenue on the houses Nos. 4-32 had been increased to £17 per house, & so place same outside the limit for composition rates. Secy. was instructed to appeal against same. Liverpool F.C. 10 Tickets for this clubs F.A. Cup tie v Fulham were received & Secy. instructed to thank them for same. Billiard Room It was decided to engage F. Blundell Attendant as attendant at a wage of £2.0.0 but same to include his wage of 10% per week as 'A' Team Trainer. The matter of drawing up a set of Rules for the Billiard Room was left in the hands of Mr. E. Green. Slavia F.C. An application was received for us to Prague play match with this club between 11th & 28th inst. and same was not entertained. Xmas Presents Messages of thanks received from the President & Vice Presidents of the Football League for presents received. Leyfield Letter received from Chelsea F.C. asking if we would be prepared to transfer this player. Decided to reply in the negative. Practice matches The amount of £500 allocated by the F.A. & Charity match out of the F.A. Charity Shield match was divided Gate Receipts as per list attached, as was also the £398.0.3 from practice matches per further list attached. Blyth Spartans F.C. This club were given permission to negotiate with other clubs for the transfer of any of their players except Carnaby at present. Players in Transfer Lists received from Bolton Wanderers & Hull City F.C.'s but no action taken.