93 Match v Army XI It was decided not to charge the Army XI any Exs. for match on 11th inst, owing to poor gate they had had. Associated British Application received from this firm for Cinemas permission to have an advt. board carried round our ground on match days in exchange for their advertising on screens of their cinemas was not entertained. Fleetwood Secy. reported that this employee had re-commenced duty Yesterday. Billiard Room The question of appointing an attendant Attendant for Billiard Room was mentioned. Decided to bring matter forward at next meeting. Players to Watch Mr. J. Fare to watch Ware (Stoke) " H. Hart do Mills (Clapton) v Blackman (Q. P. R.) H. Ford do do Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Wednesday 27th inst. at 6 p.m. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman