
				[Meeting of Directors held at
				Exchange Hotel on Liverpool on
				Tuesday 19th December 1933]

		Present	Mr. E. Green (Chair), A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, J. Sharp,
			A. R. Wade, Dr. C. S. Baxter & G. Evans, (Mr. W. C. Cuff
			with players at Buxton) & Mr. H. Banks (ill).

Minutes			The Minutes of Meeting held on the 12th inst.
		were read & confirmed.

Finance			The following receipts were reported :-
		Gate v Sunderland £1230.14.5	20%	£155.15. 5
			Tax	  £ 207.12.2	& 1%	£  9.11.11
		Gate v Peasley Cross			£  4.13. 8
			Portsmouth F.C.		20%	£ 97. 0. 1
				Bank Balance	£14,082.17.9 Cr.

		Cheques were signed for the following :-
		Collector of Customs & Excise	Tax	£207.12. 2
		Sunderland F.C.			20%	£155.15. 5
		Football League			1% 	£  9.11.11
		T. H. McIntosh		Wages & Exs.	£320. 0. 0
		     do			Xmas Boxes	£ 75. 0. 0
		Palace Hotel Buxton	Hotel a/c	£ 90. 0. 9
		Royal Station Hotel N'cle    do		£ 33.14. 1

Reports of Matches	Reports were received of the matches v
		Sunderland 1-0, M/c United Res. 1-2 & Peasley X 7-0.

Drs Report &c.	Dr. W. T. Davies & Trainer Cooke reported all
		players fit except Coggins & Dean.

Reports re Players	Mr. E. Green reported that this player was
Heale (Bristol City) slimly built (something like our old player F. Jefferis)
		a good provider & clever, but not too good as a shot.
		He thought that the fee asked was far too much.
		Should be seen again.