89 Adverts. Application received from Northern Electric Newspapers Ld. for them to advertise our team on the electric signs in Lime St. Decided not to entertain same. Ground Committee Owing to the illness of Mr. H. Banks, Mr. A. R. Wade was requested to take over the duties of Chairman during his absence & he kindly consented to do so. Players to watch Mr. E. Green to watch Heale (Bristol City) Messrs A. Coffey & Secy. to watch Fleming & Stevenson(Rangers) Mr. J. Fare do Eggleston (Bury) " T. Kelly do Ware (Stoke City) " H. Hart do Stangar (Workington) " W. Laine do Whyness (Spennymoor). Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 p.m. Special Training The following players were selected to proceed to Buxton on 17th inst. :- Sagar, Cook, Cresswell, Williams, Britton, White, Thomson, Gee, Archer, Critchley, Dunn, Dean, Johnson, Cunliffe, Geldard & Stein. Presentation to At a Dinner held at the close of the meeting Mr. A. R. Wade the Chairman paid tribute to the good work done by Mr. Wade for the Club during the 21 years he had been a member of the Board & in doing so, headed over to that gentleman a Silver Tray & Tea pot. Mr. Wade thanked the Board most sincerely for their action. Confirmed as Correct E. Green Chairman