84 Goundry (Hastings) Mr. H. Ford stated that this forward was a useful player, but was too slow for our class of football. Whyness (Spennymoor) Mr. W. Laine stated that this player would be 23 on 29th inst. Rattray (Blackpool) Mr. J. Cunning wrote that this O. R. was a splendid player. Banford (Wrexham) Secy. stated that this C. F. was on offer by Wrexham F.C. The fee was stated to be £3000. The Board were not interested. T. Fleetwood Secy. stated that this employee had now left hospital, but was not yet ready for work. Stoke City F.C. Enquiry received from this Club asking if we would transfer G. Turner. Decided to inform them that we might consider an exchange for another suitable player. A. Clark Secy. reported an enquiry form Millwall F.C. for a halfback & it was decided to offer this player at a fee of £1000 but to accept a lesser offer. Blyth's Spartans F.C. Letter read from Mr. J. E. Spence asking for a donation of £15. Decided that if the amount was accepted as a payment on a/c of the suggested fee for King, same would be granted. Arrangements for The arrangements for these places were submitted Baxton, Aston Villa by the Secy. and same were approved by the & N'cle Board. Mr. H. Banks The Chairman reported the illness of this member of the Board, & Secy. was instructed to convey to him their sincere sympathy with him & the hope that he would soon be restored to health. Leave of Absence Leave was granted to G. Turner from after match on Sat. next until Tuesday.