
		v Aston Villa Res. (a)
		Dughton, Bocking, Jones, Mercer, Griffiths, Archer,
		Geldard, McGourty, Higham, J. G. Watson & Leyfield.
		Res Turner.

Director to Aston	The Chairman.

Reports re Players	Mr. W. C. Gibbins reported that he was very pleased.
Alsop (Walsall)	with this C. F. who was 5'.9" or 10" quick & good shot.
		He strongly recommended him.

Whyness (Spennymoor)	He also reported that this I. L. was a good
		player, but appeared rather old W. Laine had
		stated he was 22.

O'Donnell (Celtic)	Letter read from the Celtic F.C. that they were
		not prepared to part with this player at present.

Barday (Sheffield U.)	Mr. T. Kelly reported that this I. R. had played
		very well, opened out the game well, but was a
		trifle frail & not incisive.

Coates (Bangor)		Mr. J. Price reported that this C. F. was a
		very good player, but on the small side.

Eggleston (Bury)	Mr. H. Hart reported that this I. L. had played
		rather well in 1st. half, but had done nothing in
		2nd made openings but had no shot.

Kershaw (Bolton YMCA)	He also reported that this player was very

Fitzgerald (Denaby)	Mr. J. Elliott gave another good report of
		this I. L.

Dix (Aston Villa)	Mr. W. Laine reported that this inside forward
		had played a splendid game v N'cle United Res.
		but his shooting was not too good.

Shuttleworth		Mr. F. Lake gave a poor report of this O. R.

Butter & Beresford	Mr. G. Cooper reported that he did not consider
(Doncaster)	either of these players of the standard required
		by us.

Matches (Stoke)		Secy. reported that he had made enquiry if
		Club would part with this player- but had