74 J. G. Watson The action of Secy. in informing Preston NE that we were not prepared to transfer this player was confirmed. employee T. Fleetwood Secy. reported that this player had been in hospital since 6th inst. with gastric trouble. Billiard Tables It was decided to have these overhauled & Accessories & the matter was left in the hands of Mr. A. R. Wade to get estimates &c. for what was required. Players to Watch Mr. E. Green to watch Drake (Southampton) with powers to open negotiations for his transfer if he was satisfied with his display. Messrs A. Coffey & W. C. Gibbins to watch Craven (Grimsby) The Chairman to watch Alsop (Walsall) Mr. J. Fare do Coote (Shamrock Rovers) do and Hunt (Drumcondra) " J. Kelly to watch Mills (Aberdeen) " H. Hart do F. O'Donnell & Napier (Celtic) & to suggest to Mr. Maley an exchange for the former with McGourty. Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman