being in such bad condition it was unfair
to judge him on his display v Stockton. He
considered he was will worth seeing again.
Blyth Players Mr. J. Kelly reported that the former was
King & Richardson a very promising goalkeeper indeed. He was only
16. 5.7½ - but the latter was difficult to sign up
on the day.
The Chairman reported an interview he had
had with the Blyth officials & gave their
reasons re transfer of W'gan. On his proposition
it was decided to offer King an engagement on
the staff at £3 per week.
Fitzgerald Mr. J. Elliott reported that this player had
(Denaby U.) played at inside left instead of left Half
& had played very well.
Doherty & McCarthy Mr. H. Hart reported that the former was
(Glentoran) a good player but had been transferred to Blackpool.
The latter had played well at left half back.
S. Chedzoy Letter read from this ex-player that the
goalkeeper he had written about previously had
signed on for Glasgow Rangers.
Donation Agreed to grant £2.2.0 to Bootle Xmas
Hot Pot Fund.
Tithes Notice received re redemption of certain
tithe rent charge on our ground.
Cue fellows The Board agreed to our players meeting
the Cue fellows in a Billiard Match at the
Stork Hotel in aid of Good fellow Fund.
Curzon Club An application from this Club for a
Waterloo Billiard match v our Club was left in hands
of Secy. to deal with.
Discharged Prisoners Decided to purchase same number of tickets
Aid Society for Concert as last year.