72 v Hoylake left to Staff Director to Stoke Mr. J. Evans. E. W. Common Secy. reported that this player had been transferred to Preston N. E. at a fee of £750. The Chairman had arranged that payment of same as follows:- £126.5.0 at once & balance at rate of £100 on 1st of each month. Accrued share of benefit to the player to be £26.5.0. Arrangements confirmed. Reports re Messrs The Chairman & G. Evans reported that Players the former was a fine strong player but didn't Drake (S'hampton) head very well, badly supported by his inside Dewar (M/c U.) forwards but was worth following up. The latter was a clever player, but hardly forceful enough. England v Wales Messrs The Chairman & Mr. A. Coffey gave reports of this match. Lythgoe (Stockport) Mr. A. R. Wade reported that he was not impressed by this Centre forward. Higham (Chorley) Messrs W. C. Gibbin's & Secy. reported that they considered this player was very promising indeed & was worth engaging. He was 5.7½ 10½st & 21 yrs old. The Club were asking a fee of £500. Secy. was instructed to try & secure his transfer for a fee up to £250, but if any hitch arose as to fee. The matter be left in hands of the Chairman & Secy. Derby County Players Secy. reported he was not by any of the 4 players this Club had for transfer. Smith (Barnsley) Mr. J. Fare reported that this player did nothing to impress him, but he was playing at outside right. Whyness He also reported that this inside left was (Spennymoor) a likely type of player, but as the ground