
		v Oldham Ath Res (a)
		Deighton, Bocking or Common, Jones, Mercer, Clark,
		Archer, Critchley, Cunliffe, Lapham, Leyfield
		Turner Res Common

Reports re Players	Messrs The Chairman E. Green & J Sharp gave their report
Chambers (Halifax) of this CF. the former stating that the player
		had not shown form good enough to interest him
		but the two latter stated that he looked like a
		good player, although a poor header & somewhat
		on the small side and worth following up.

Ireland v England	Mr A. Coffey gave a report of this match.
		He stated that Martin (CF) had played well until
		injured, Fulton (LB) good & S Jones (L.H) had played
		a very good game & strongly recommended him.

Keetley (Leeds U) 	Mr Coffey also reported that he had been
		informed that this player was open to be transferred
		& the fee required was £2500.

Celtic Players		Mr J Fare reported that Paterson (CF) was
		not too good v Beith but that F. O'Donnell (I.L) was
		very good.
			Mr D M Richardson reported that Dunn (CF)
		was serviceable v Rangers.

Mills (Aberdeen) 	He also stated that this I.L was a
		very good player.

Davies (Bangor City)	Mr T. Kelly stated that this CF had not
		played on Sat but he was 19 & 5' 10"

S. African Tour		Letter read from Mr Jenkins that he
		was likely to come & have an interview with one
		players re this proposed Tour, at an early date.

Proposed Loan		Draft of letter proposed to be sent to
to N. Brighton FC this club was read & approved.

Tour to Yugoslovakia	Letter read from the Concordia FC of
		Zagreb asking if we would be prepared to
		make a Tour - Decided it was too early to come