
		for this players transfer. He had asked them
		for £350. It was decided to accept a fee of
		£250 if offered by any club.

Team Selections		The following teams were selected:
		v Blackburn Rovers (h) 14th inst
		Provisionally Sagar, Cook, Cresswell, Britton,
		White or Gee, Thomson, Geldard, Dunn, White
		or Chambers, Johnson & Stein.

		v Blackburn Rovers Res (a)
		Deighton, Bocking, Jones, Mercer, Clarke, Archer,
		Critchley, Cunliffe, Lapham H., Leyfield & Turner
		Res Stevens

Director to Blackburn	Mr W. C. Gibbins.

Reports re Players	Messrs The Chairman & Dr C. S. Baxter gave a
Craven (Grimsby) very poor report of this inside forward.

Drake (Southampton)	Messrs E Green & J Sharp reported that they
		did not consider this C.F. a good player.

Campbell (Celtic)	Mr D Richardson give a very good report
		of this CF

Worsley (M/c NE)	Mr T Kelly gave a very good report of this
		OR who was 5.7½ 10½st.

Owen (Northwich)	He reported that this CF had played
		very badly against M/c N.E., but Mr J Elliott
		stated he had played very well against Hyde.

Campbell (Leicester C)	Mr J Fare reported that this player had
		done very little except score a goal.

Martin & Coulter	The Chairman reported that the play of
(Belfast Celtic) these two men in the English v Irish League
		match did not interest him, but Messrs J Sharp
		& A R Wade stated they were clever players, but
		on the small side. They thought that £2000
		would be a good fee for the former.