50 Centre Forwards Replies received from Aston Villa, Bolton Wanderers & Arsenal that they were not prepared to part with the players enquired about. Reports re Players Messrs E Green & A Coffey reported that Martin Martin & Coulter had played a fine game & they were much (Belfast Celtic) impressed 5-7. 10 st. 19 yrs old. Coulter had played a clever game but he was lighter than Martin. Maxwell (Scotland) Mr E Green also stated that this player was not impressive. Drake (Southampton) Mr J. Elliott gave a very good report of this C.F. Craven (Grimsby) Mr T. Fleetwood reported that this inside forward had played very well. He was 25. Owen & Macdonald Mr J Fare reported that the former was (Northwich Vic) very promising 5.8 & 10½ st abt 19. The latter was a bad tackler & not as good as our own players. Carr (Trimdon) Mr W Laine reported this this CF was a good player. Decided that one of the Staff watch him on Sat. N.U. Boys Clubs Invitation to a Dinner in London received. Decided to send donation of £5 instead of attending. England v Ireland Secy reported that H Cooke had been appointed Trainer to the English Team. Members Stand Complaint received from Mr W. P. Barrell that he could not get a seat at the Arsenal Match. Decided that in future a Commissionaire be employed to see that all Members obtain a seat. Insurance of Quotations were received from the Eagle Star Amateur Players & British Dominion Insce Co at £1 per head & from the Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corpn Ld at 30/- per head. Left in hands of Chairman to go into the matter with the former Co. Players on Transfer Rhoder (R. H.) Wolves but no action taken.