41 Pearsons Weekly An application from this paper for attendance figures at certain of our matches was not entertained. Pathe Pictures An application from this firm for permission to take pictures of our players in training was deferred pending an enquiry by the Chairman as to the attitude of the Management Committee of the F. L. towards the general principle of this. Presentation to The action of the Sub Committee in purchasing Mr. A. Coffey a present & having it inscribed was confirmed & it was agreed to make the presentation at a Dinner to be held after the next Board Meeting on the 26th inst. the Chairman to make the necessary arrangements. Carr & Smedley It was agreed to take the F. A. Cup Benefit for show at this match. S. Greenhough & Sons Letter read from this firm asking if one of our players would act as Salesmen for their watches. The Board had no objection to this. Players to Watch Mr. E. Green to watch Drake (Southampton) & Martin & Williams (Of Swansea) Mr. J. Fare to watch Walker (Hearts) or Scotland v Ireland match " T. Fleetwood to watch Craven (Grimsby) " J. Elliott do Gunn (Port Vale) Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman