
Celtic F. C.		The postponed matches with this club were
		discussed and it was felt that as our fixture
		list was pretty full, it would be better to
		cancel same for this season.

J. P. Wilson		An application from this Shareholder to
		use his tickets for Block F was not granted.

W. Low's Benefit	An application from the N'cle United F. C.
Match		to release Dean for this match on 27th inst.
		was not granted, but it was decided to offer
		them the services of Gee.

Army F. A.		Letter read from this Assocn. agreeing
		to the match at Aldershot on Decr. 11th.

Benefit Match		It was agreed to send a team to
for Carr & Smedley play in this match providing it was played
		on Septr. 18th or 19th.

Players to Watch	Mr. J. Fare to watch Chambers (Halifax)

Next Meeting		At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday next at 6pm.

					Confirmed as Correct

						W. C. Cuff