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Reference number
796 EFC/1/1/20
Minutes 1931-1933
14 Apr 1931-20 Apr 1933
Contains minutes of general meetings, annual general meetings, special meetings, sub-committee meetings.
14 Apr 1931 it was agreed to award medals to 11 players for winning the League Division Two Shield. 11 May 1931 it was agreed to write to Stockholm Tidningen to ask them what compensation they were prepared to offer for cancelling the tour. 28 May 1931 a letter had been received from the F.A. stating that the Club had disregarded the F.A.'s rules by not including them in its Articles of Association. 9 Jun 1931 the League Management Committee had granted permission to pay sums of up to 25 each to players to celebrate winning the League. 10 Dec 1931 it was agreed to go ahead with the installation of loudspeaker equipment at the ground. 19 Jan 1932 it was reported that T. McIntosh was standing down as Secretary as a result of illness. Theo Kelly was appointed acting Secretary. 12 Apr 1932 arrangements for a tour to Germany are recorded. 19 Apr 1932 T. McIntosh had returned as Secretary. 25 Oct 1932 it was agreed to present a medal to the trainer, Harry Cooke. 15 Nov 1932 it was reported that A. Geldard had been signed. 28 Dec 1932 it was decided to buy dark blue jerseys and white shorts with dark blue facings as alternative colours. 29 Mar 1933 F.A. Cup Final arrangements are recorded. 4 Apr 1933 arrangements for a Danish tour were left in the hands of the Chairman and Secretary. 10 Apr 1933 F.A. stipulated that Everton players should wear white jerseys and black shorts for the Cup Final.
Minutes signed by William C. Cuff, E. Green.
League and Central League Fixtures 1930-31 pasted to inside front cover. League and Central League Fixtures 1931-32 pasted to front flyleaf. Letters giving notice of the A.G.M.s on 28 May 1931 and 17 Jun 1932 including balance sheet pasted before minutes of the meetings. Lists of Professional Players Signed for Season 1931-32 pasted after minutes of 28 May 1931 and 17 Jun 1932. Donations from charity match receipts 1931 pasted in next to minutes of 8 Sep 1931. Errata from the Post Office Telephones 1936 loose between pp.121-2. 13 Sep 1932 list of donations from charity match receipts pasted in after minutes of 13 Sep 1932. League and Central League Fixtures 1932-33 pasted to inside back cover.
Includes loose index inserted inside front cover.
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