32 H. Hart & T. Kelly It was decided to appoint the former to be in charge of Central League team and to submit his suggested team to the meeting each week, & the latter to have a similar appointment with regard to the 'A' team. Lancs. Cup It was agreed to play our tie v L'pool on Wed. 7th Oct. K-O at 3.15. 'A' Team It was decided to appoint Mr. Blundell in place of the late R. McNamara as team attendant for the A Team at a wage of 10/- per week during the season. Swedish Tour Letters read from the Stockholms Tidningen & the Swedish F.A. re the abandoned Tour. Secy. instructed to acknowledge same. Altrincham F.C. Letter read from this club asking if we could send a team to play a match in Sept. in aid of their building fund. Decided that their request could not be acceded to. Donations Agreed to grant £2.2.0 each to Kirkdale F.C. Sports Fund & Red Triangle Lads Club. Compensation Secy. reported receipt of £27.8.7 for Compensation for injury to B. Williams. Walton Labour Letter read from this party asking for permission Party to erect a club room on land leased by us in Stopgate Lane. Decided to reply that we had no power to grant same. Robt. Davies Letter read asking if we could grant them Nursing Home an increase of the amount of their a/c of £40.8.6 for extra dressings &c re Coggins. Decided to increase the amount to £52.10.0. Pearsons Weekly An application from this newspaper for our actual gate attendances at matches during next season was not acceded to.