
				[Meeting of Directors held at
				6 Castle Street Liverpool
				Wednesday July 8th 1931]

		Present Messrs	W. C. Cuff, H. Banks, A. Coffey
			W. C. Gibbins, C. Hayes & A. R. Wade.

Match v			The Chairman reported the attendance of
Austrian	the Secretary at Highbury on Saturday last
International	when at a Meeting convened by Mr. H. Chapman
XI.		of the following Clubs; Arsenal, Aston Villa,
		Everton, Glasgow Rangers, Heart of Midlothian
		and Sunderland, a proposal by an Austrian
		International XI. to play 3 or 4 matches in
		Gt. Britain in November & December upon a
		Guarantee of £3000, was considered.
			That the meeting resolved that a
		counter proposal of £3000, for 6 Games, with
		50% of nett receipts over £1000, per match
		be made; and that all gates be pooled:
		That all the Clubs represented except Aston
		Villa & Everton were willing to play the
		Austrian XI, on the terms stated.
		After considerable discussion it was resolved
		(5 votes to 1) that we do not entertain the proposal.

Coggins			It was reported that the improvement
		in the condition of Coggins was maintained
		and that it was hoped he would be able
		to leave the Nursing Home next week.

New Players	Crawford, Blackburn Rovers, declined to offer
		Tremelling, Birmingham		 do.
		Hacking, Oldham Athletic, £2000, do.
		Gibson   Hull City		 do.
		Holdcroft Darlington enquire Height, Age, Character
		etc.		      Confirmed as Correct
						W. C. Cuff