29 Proposed Matches Letter read from Arsenal F. C. re proposed v Austrian XI matches in England during next season. Agreed that Secy. attend a meeting to be held at the Arsenal F. C. office on 4 inst. and report to the Chairman on his return. Mrs. Kirkwood Letter read from this lady asking for further monetary assistance. The Board decided they could not see their way to use further funds of the Coy for this purpose. Picnic It was decided to entertain the Management Committee of the League & Central League to an outing from Augt. 6 to 8th next, and Secy. was instructed to make similar arrangements to those made 3 years ago. Jerseys & It was agreed to purchase 2 new sets of New Strips jerseys similar to last ones & 2 new strips from Whites, the orders for both articles to be given to Mr. J. Sharp. Ground It was agreed that as many of the Board as possible attend at the ground for the final inspection & formal handing over on the 31st inst. Next Meeting Left in hands of Chairman to fix. Confirmed as Correct. W. C. Cuff Chairman