
				[Meeting of Directors held at
				No. 6 Castle Street, Liverpool on
				Wednesday 1st July 1931]

		Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors
			except Mr. A. Coffey.

Finance			The Bank Balance was reported to be £7024.5.7 Dr.

Coggins			Dr. Kennan's report on this players condition
		was read, and in view of same it was decided
		that the Secy. get in touch with the clubs
		respecting the following goalkeepers viz. Hacking,
		Tremelling, Holdcroft, Crawford & Gibson.

Dix			The Chairman reported his & the Secy's interview
		with this player & his father in Torquay, when
		he stated definitely that he had no intention
		of leaving Bristol and in view of this, the Secy.
		had written Bristol Rovers F. C. that we would
		still retain our option.

Jones (Burnley)		Chairman reported that the lowest fee required
		for this player was £2750. It was decided
		to take no further action at present, but to have
		him watched again at the beginning of next

Lynch (Rochdale)	Secy. read letters & reported negotiations
Hartill & Martin (Wolves) re these players, but it was decided to take
Blair (Clyde)
& Scottish Intermediates) same action as that to be taken re Jones
		referred to in previous minute.

T. White		Letters read from N'cle United & Sheffield Wed
		F. C.'s stating that they were not now interested in
		this player.

S. H. Nicholl's Fund	An application for a donation to this Fund
		was not entertained.