
					[Meeting of Directors held at
					Exchange Hotel Liverpool on
					Tuesday 9th June 1931]

		Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors.

Minutes			The Minutes of meetings held on the 15th, 22nd &
		28th ult., & Annual General Meeting on the 28th ult. were
		read & confirmed.

Election of Chairman	Mr. W. C. Cuff was unanimously re-elected Chairman
  "       Vice do. & Mr. E. Green Vice Chairman. Both gentlemen duly
		returned thanks for the honour.

Sub Committees		The Finance Committee, Ground Committee
		& Stores Committee were re-elected.

Finance			The Bank Balance was reported to be £4120.12.9 Dr
		Cheques were signed for the following:-
		Wm. Rowlands & Son.	Turf		£450. 0. 0
		R. W. Houghton		Water Supplies	£174.10. 0
		T. H. McIntosh		Wages & Exs.	£251.13. 4
		Sunday Players		    do.		£186. 0. 0

League & F. A. Meetings	The following reports were given:-
		Football League Meeting		by Mr. J. Sharp.
		F. A. & Central League Meetings by  " W. C. Gibbins
		Lancs F. A. Meeting		by The Chairman

Presents to Players	The League Management Committee having
		granted permission to pay sums up to £25 each
		to celebrate winning the League Div. 2, the amounts
		were allotted as follows:-
		Coggins, Cresswell, Williams, Griffiths, Gee,
		Thomson, Critchley, Dunn, Dean, Johnson & Stein.
		£25 each. McClure £20. & Macpherson, Martin &
		Rigby £15 each.

Dix (Bristol Rovers)	The Chairman reported the interview the
		Directors & Secy. present in London had had with