24 Coggins Sympathy was expresed with this player who had gone through a serious operation. On the proposition of Mr. W. Bruce seconded by Mr. J. Gore it was decided to send him a letter expressing this & the best wishes of the meeting for a speedy recovery. Vote of Thanks Mr. A. N. Denaro proposed & Mr. R. Ledsom seconded a very hearty vote of thanks to the Directors for their past services and good wishes for the future. The Chairman, on behalf of himself & his colleagues, thanked them for their kind vote and then declared the meeting closed. Players Signed Secy. read out list of professional players engaged. Confirmed as Correct. W. C. Cuff Chairman Professional Players Signed for Season I93I-2. Goalkeepers. COGGINS, SAGAR. Backs. wILLIAMS, CRESSWELL, COMMOM, LOWE, PARKER, & BOCKING (Late St ockport County). HALVES. McCLURE, GEE, T. GRIFFITHS, THOMSON, BRITTON, MACPHERSON, CHEDGZOY, BRYAN, LLOYD, HART, CLARK (Late Luton Town) & ARCHER (Late Walsall). Forwards CRITCHLEY, DUNN, MARTIN, DEAN, WHITE, JOHNSON, WEBSTER, STEIN, RIGBY, LEYFIELD, CUNLIFFE, FRYER, & P. GRIFFITHS (Late Port Vale)