
			The Auditors report having been read
		Questions having been asked by Messrs W. J. Minto.
		I. Russell & C. Wright on the amount for Law
		Costs, the Chairman pointed out that these had
		been incurred through the request of the F. A.
		asking us to bring our Articles into line with the
		rules & regulations of that body. He had, in his
		legal capacity, prepared a set of new Articles of
		Association, and his action was approved by the
			On the motion of the Chairman, seconded
		by M. A. Coffey, the Director's Report, Statement
		of a/cs & Balance Sheet were unanimously adopted.

Dividend		On the proposition of Mr. E. Green, seconded
		by Mr. W. C. Gibbins it was agreed that a dividend
		of 7½% (less Income Tax) be paid on the paid up
		capital of the Company for the year ending 2nd
		May 1931.

Auditors		Mr. A. McNicoll proposed & Mr. R. A. Gratton seconded
		that Messrs T. Theodore Rogers Bowler & Co. be re-elected
		Auditors at a fee of Sixty Guineas, and this was
		carried unanimously.

Election of Directors	There being no nominations, the Chairman
		formally declared the 3 retiring Directors (Messrs
		C. S. Baxter, E. Green & A. R. Wade) duly re-elected
		for the ensuing 3 years.
			Mr. E. Green on behalf of himself & his colleagues
		thanked the Shareholders for their renewed confidence.

Mr. W. J. Sawyer	The Chairman tendered to Mr. W. J. Sawyer
		the best thanks of the meeting for his past
		services as Hon. Sec. & Director and this was
		supported by Messrs R. A. Gratton & C. Wright.
			Mr. Sawyer duly replied appreciating
		the vote.