22 [Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held at the Hall. India Buildings Water St. L'pool on Thursday 28th May 1931.] Present Messrs W C Cuff (Chair) E Green, A Coffey, H Banks, W. C. Gibbins, J Sharp, A R Wade, Dr C S Baxter & C Hayes (Directors) & 95 Shareholders. The Secretary read the notice convening the meeting. Press It was agreed that the representatives of the Press be admitted. Director's Report On the motion of the Chairman it was agreed A/Cs & Balance Sheet that the Directors Report, Statement of a/cs & Balance Sheet be taken as read. The Chairman in his remarks referred to the various increases in expenditure and income and said he considered the gate receipts had been extremely satisfactory, and thanked the public for their unstinting support, and stated that the income from that source was the fourth highest in the country. We had recovered our position in the 1st League in the first season, thanks to the good work of the players and the support given to them by the Board. He paid a tribute to the manner in which the players had set about their task and practically gained the championship many weeks before the end of the season. New players had been acquired and every effort was being made to get further ones and the Board were determined to avert any return to the 2nd Division.