15 [Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool on Monday 11th May 1931] Present Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, H. Banks, J. Sharp, A. R. Wade, Dr. C. S. Baxter & C. Hayes. Fixtures 1931-2 The fixtures for the forthcoming season as made by Mr. Sutcliffe & submitted by the Chairman were confirmed. Continental Tour Secy. reported that the President of the Zurich had written that he would try and arrange 4 matches at £200 each, plus 50% of gates of over £400 each to take place in June. The Board approved of this and it was left to the Chairman & Secy. to arrange either 3 or 4 matches on terms suggested. do It was decided to write to the Stockholm Tidningen asking what compensation they were prepared to offer us for breach of their agreement re Swedish Tour. Donation It was decided to grant a sum of £15 to the L'pool County F.A. Benevolent Fund. New Players Archer (Walsall) The engagement of this player at a fee of £750 and wages of £5 Summer & £7 Winter with £1 extra when in 1st team was approved. Jones (Burnley) Chairman reported he had offered £1500 for this players transfer, but they were not prepared to accept that amount. Griffiths (Port Vale) Secy. reported having interviewed the Club who had asked a fee of £3000. Agreed that the Chairman have powers to effect the transfer up to that amount. Confirmed as correct W. C. Cuff Chairman.