
Articles of Assocn.	The Secretary, in reply to a question stated that,
		apart from the report made some time ago by the
		Chairman, no intimation had been received from the F.A.
		It was resolved that the F.A.			hereon
		be asked to inform the Company as to their intentions.

Roberts (Port Vale)	The Secy. explained the circumstances under
		which this player was transferred to Millwall Ath.

Presentation to Players	It was decided to make application to the
		League for permission to make presents to the players
		on winning League Div. 2.

Transfer of Shares	Exor. of J. G. Turner to J. Summerskill 1 Share No. 253.
				do	to Geo. T. Williams	2   "  Nos. 251 & 252.

L'pool County F.A.	It was agreed to re-nominate Mr. W. C. Gibbins
		as V. P. & Secy. as member of Council of this F.A.

Directorate		Secy. reported that no nominations had
		been received for the Directorate of the Coy.

Wilkinson J.		Secy. reported this player had been transferred
		to the Blackpool F.C. at a fee of £250. It was
		agreed to apply to the League for permission to pay
		him £100 as accrued share of benefit.

Players to Watch	Messrs J. Fare & J. Elliott to watch McGonagle
		& Ferguson   Scottish Juniors.

Next Meeting		Left to Chairman to fix.

New Players		Secy. instructed to enquire if Huddersfield Town
		would be prepared to part with Jennings (O. R.) &
		if Leeds United would fix a fee for Keetley.

						Confirmed as correct
							W. C. Cuff