Strike. It was agreed to instruct the Secy. to
wire him that we insist on the contract being
carried out.
Luton Players Mr. E. Green gave very good reports of Clark
& Kingham. Letter read from the Luton Town F.C.
offering the former for £1250. Decided that
Secy. have power to sign him at that figure.
The Club were not prepared to transfer the latter
at present.
F.A. Canadian Tour Secy. reported that our player McClure had
been selected to go on this Tour.
Waterloo Park F.C. Letter read from this Club asking if we would
take them over as our A team. Decided not to
agree to their request.
Welsh F.A. Letter read from Mr. E. Robbins re injury to Williams.
Boys Orphanage Letter read from Mr. A. Wall asking for a donation
Band towards the fund for new instruments. Decided
to make further enquiries.
Bovril Ld. It was agreed to renew this firm's agreement
to sell their goods on our ground at £16 per year.
Aigburth Silver Agreed to renew the engagement of this Band
Prize Band for next Season.
Players Signed Secy. reported that Dean had re signed.
Macpherson Secy. reported that this player had asked for
£6 per week during close season. Decided to agree
to his request.
Banquet The a/c amounting to £182.16.1 was passed
for payment.
Next Meeting Left in hands of Chairman to fix.
Players to Watch T. Fleetwood & W. Laine to watch Mitchell (Dton.)
Mr. E. Green do Rounce (Queens Park Rangers)
Messrs A. Coffey & C. Hayes do Prest & Jones (Burnley)
Mr. J. Fare do Walsall Players
" J. Elliott do Kelsall & Foulkes (Connah's Quay)
Confirmed as correct W. C. Cuff