
Broadcasting		Tenders for broadcasting the Presentation
		ceremony on Sat. next were received from Messrs
		Pulford Ld. £42, C. P. Ripton Ld. £57 & Edison Swan
		Electric Co. Ld. £56.10.0. Decided to accept the
		first named.

Complimentary		Menus for the proposed dinner on Sat. next
Dinner		were submitted, and it was agreed to accept
		that at 8/6 per head with slight alterations in same.
		Decided that the medals be presented to 11 of
		the players qualified.

Lancs. F.A. Council	It was agreed to nominate Mr. W. H. Cartwright
		of the L'pool F.C. for Divn. 5 of this Council.

Blyth Spartans F.C.	Letter read from this club re Cook's age.

Draining & Turfing	The following a/c was passed for payment:-
Goodison Park	W. C. Cuff legal charges for preparing draining
		& turfing contract, including printing of forms of
		contact & advertising for tenders	£35.10.3
		and it was unanimously resolved that the costs
		& expenses in connection with the draining & turfing
		of Goodison Park be included in this year's accounts.

Everton F.C. &		The following a/cs in connection with this
Football Assocn. matter were submitted viz.-
		W. C. Cuff legal charges as per a/c rendered	£133.19.3
		A. Leitch & Partners		Valuation	£ 56.17.6
		T. Theodore Rogers Bowler & Co.	  Fees		£ 5. 5. 0
		and same were passed for payment: the question
		was raised as to whether in the circumstances the
		Football Assocn., having abandoned the matter after
		having involved the Coy. in these expenses, should
		not be asked to defray the whole or some part
		thereof, and it was resolved that the Chairman
		be instructed to raise this question, at the next
		meeting of the Emergency Committee of the F.A.