
		v Tranmere Rovers (a) 20th inst.
		Sager, Booth, Lowe, Chedgzoy, McClure, Macpherson,
		Wilkinson, Martin, White, Webster & Leyfield. Res. Britton.

Director to Preston	Mr. W. C. Gibbins.

Reports re Players	Messrs the Chairman & J. Sharp reported that they
Waterfield (Burnley) were not impressed with this players display,
		& that he was not worth £4000. Decided that
		the question of engagement be left over at present.

Worrall (Oldham)	The Directors present at our match v
		Oldham had not a good day & was poor.

Kingham & Clarke	The Secy. gave a very good report of these
(Luton)		two players & strongly recommended them.

Dougal & Watson		Mr. H. Hart gave a fair account of the former
(Hamilton Acas)	and a poor one of the latter.

Lincoln Players		Mr. J. Fare gave a very good report of Savage
		(R. H.), March had not played well & Lax although
		a good player appeared to be timid.

Webster (Oswestry)	Mr. J. Elliott gave a report that this
		player was no better than some of those we

Charlton (Gateshead)	Mr. T. Fleetwood gave a poor report of this

Simms (Norman Ath.)	Mr. J. McGill reported that this was a
		very promising inside left.

Ordish, Heywood		Mr. L. Weller gave poor reports of the two
& Beasley (Stourbridge)	former players, but a very promising one
		of the last named.

Northern Players	Mr. W. Laines report was read. He gave a
		good report of Christie (C. H.) of Bp. Auckland.

Schools Football	The action of the Chairman in agreeing to
Inter City Match the use of the ground being granted to the L'pool
		Schools F.A., owing to their being indirectly affiliated
		to the F.A., for their match v Birkenhead Boys was