[Meeting of Directors held at
Exchange Hotel, 20th April, 1933.]
Present:- Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair.) & all other Directors with
the exception of Messrs Green & Sharp & Dr. C. S. Baxter
(With the players at Buxton).
Minutes The Minutes of meetings held on the
10th, 15th & 17th inst., were read & confirmed.
Finance The following receipts were reported:-
Gate v Leeds Utd Res £ 94.18. 9
do v Chelsea £1815.19. 0
do v Liverpool "A" £ 18. 8. 6
British Playing Fields, Repayment of Donation £ 5. 5. 0
L'pool County F.A. Share of Gate Challenge Cup £ 7. 4.10
Bolton Wanderers F.C. 20% £ 84.15. 9
Preston North End F.C. On a/c Transfer fees. £ 150. 0. 0
Shropshire F.A. Repayment of Expenses £ 6.15. 6
Bank Balance £8572.9.7 Cr.
Cheques were signed for the following amounts:-
Customs & Excise Tax £300.13.11
Football League v Chelsea 1% £ 13.16. 5
do v Leeds do £ 10.13. 0
Chelsea F.C. 20% £208.11. 0
Leeds Utd. F.C. 20% £156. 5. 6
L'pool City Police Services £ 31.13. 0
Theo. Kelly Wages &c £340. 0. 0
Blackpool F.C. Compensation £ 50. 5. 5
R. G. Romaine & Co. Services £ 19.11.10
Reports of Matches Reports were given of the matches v Chelsea 3-2,
v Leeds Utd 0-1 & 0-1, v Leeds Utd Res 2-1 & 1-3, v Hudders-
field Town Res. 3-1, v Liverpool "A" 0-0.
Dr. & Trainers Reports Dr. W T Davies & Trainer Cooke reported