297 the 29th inst for a guarantee to Skelmersdale of £20 & £5 to the Lpool County Combn was confirmed. Cup Final Arrangements The Chairman reported the arrangements that he & the Secy had made whilst in London during the week end & these were approved by the Board. Retain & Transfer The list of queried players was gone through Lists & it was decided that Clark be offered a re engagement at £5 & £6. The following were to be placed on Transfer List Macpherson £500, McClure £250, Stevens £100, Birtley £100 & P. Griffiths £500, Fryer Free, Leyfield & Webster to be further considered. Champagne Decided to order 6 cases of Champagne for the celebration at G.P after the Final of FA Cup. Players to Watch Mr W C Gibbins to watch Manders (Crystal Palace) " W Laine do Brown (Darlington) Wanless (Ashington) & Gallon (Blyth Spartans) Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Thursday 20th inst at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W C Cuff Chairman