292 Use of Ground Applications for use of ground were received from L'pool Shipping League, L'pool Wed. Amateur League, L'pool Business Houses League & Old Boys League. Decided that the Chairman consult Mr Godseff as to the advisability or otherwise in granting same. Shakespeare Theatre Invitation received from this Theatre for our Directors & Players to attend their performance on May 1st. Decided we were unable to do so. Sporting Trophies Permission was granted for the FA Shield Exhibition be lent for this exhibition for 2 weeks from Apl 24th. British Movietones Letter read from this firm that they considered News the demands of our players for a fee of £50 for a film to be taken of them during training. The Board considered same were not unusual. Football League It was decided that all matter to be dealt Annual Meeting with at this meeting be left in the hands of the deputation attending same. Oakmere & Orwell It was agreed that the amounts due from Wed F.C's these clubs be written off. Mr H Banks It was decided that a taxi be provided for this Director to attend the ground & return home when attending for supervision of repairs &c Colors for Cup Chairman reported that we had been requested Final by the F.A to play in this match in white jerseys. Decided to send samples of our suggested jerseys, knickers & stockings to the FA for approval. The League had agreed to our playing in these colors in matches for rest of Season. Proposed Match It was agreed that Secy endeavour to on 29th Apl arrange an A team match on our ground for this date. Players to Watch Messrs The chairman & Secy to watch Manders (Crystal Palace) Mr H Hart to do Frame (Bray Unknown) " J Fare do Bradshaw (N Brighton) Retain & Transfer The list of players was gone through and Lists it was decided to offer re-engagements to the