
Merseyside Hospitals	Application for us to join with L'pool FC to play
Council		a combined team from M/c City & M/c United for the
		benefit of this Councils Fund & the Hospitals of M/c
		was not entertained.

Matches with		Letter received from Mr A D Dobbs of London
Continental Teams for us to play home & home matches (with guarantees)
		with the Slavia FC of Prague & the Admira FC
		of Vienna. Decided not to entertain the matter.

Raith Rovers FC		Letter received from this Club re their CF.

Use of Ground		The use of the ground for the following
		matches was granted viz.
		L'pool Catholic Schools S.F.'s			) on dates to be
		L'pool Schools F.A  B League Shield		) mutually agreed by
		Final of Unemployed Mens F'ball Competition	) applicant & Secy
		Use of Practice Ground for St Lukes Church Festival on
		Sat June 10th.

Band			Letter read from Litherland Prize Band.
		Decided to offer them £3.10.0 for an Audition
		on April 1st

Marconiphone		Chairman reported his interview with the
		Marconiphone Co. Who had suggested some slight
		alterations to the fittings.

Players to Watch	Mr H Hart to  watch Fallon (Dolphins)
			"  J Fare	do   Snaith & Gibson (Chopwell)
			"  H Hart	do   Crewe Goal Keeper
			Secy to ask Chairman if he would watch
			the C Forward of Crystal Palace & Cainey OL (Bristol City)

Next Meeting		At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm.

					Confirmed as Correct
						W. C. Cuff