283 being satisfactorily arranged. It was agreed to ask for a further sum of 50% over an amount of £2100 taken at the total gates. Proposed New Club The Chairman reported that he had been interviewed by Mr W J Sawyer relative to a proposed new club in the south end of the City & had asked what our attitude would be towards it being elected to the Football League. Decided to ask the L'pool FC What their opinion was. New Boots Letter read from T Richardson Ld of Northampton offering to supply a pair of new boots to our team in the Cup Final. Decided not to accept same. Movietone News Ld This firm were granted permission to take a film of our players in training. Postponed League Match Secy reported that he had been unable to agree N'cle United FC mutually as to a date for this match. Decided to leave matter in hands of Management Committee. C.L. Match v Derby C Letter read from Derby offering Apl 26th. Decided to ask them to fix a date by or before Apl 5th. Savoy Writers The question of granting permission for Dean & Cresswell to write articles for this firm was further deferred. Collection An application by Mr J B Jones for a collection on behalf of the Poor Children's Holiday Week was granted. Benefit Match for It was decided to send a team to play Carr & Smedley in this match provided the two players would get the whole of the net gate. Match v Shropshire FA Agreed that the K-O in this match on 6 April be 5 O'clock Runcorn FC Application for us to send team to play a match in aid of this Club's funds was not entertained. Cinema Exhibitors Application for our Cup team to attend this Carnival function at New Brighton Tower on Friday 31st inst was not granted.