v Aston Villa Res (a) 18th. inst
Same team with Williams for Bocking.
v Ellesmere Port Town (h)
Left to Mr. Kelly
Directors to Wolverhampton All excepting Mr. Banks.
do Bolton Mr. A Coffey & W C Gibbins.
Aston Villa Res Mr. H. Hart to take charge of the team at this match.
Report re Players Mr. E Green reported that this player had had a
Martin (Swansea) very poor day in a poor game, and that nobody particularly
caught the eye unless it was Hanford (CH) of Swansea who
seemed a promising young player.
Brown (Darlington) Mr. W C Gibbins said that this player was the best
of the Darlington team being 5'7", Sturdy & quick. He gave
a very good report of Jolly (CH) Southport.
Spooner (York City) Mr. J Fare did not fancy this player.
Topping (Horwich RMI) Mr. Hart gave a very poor report of this F.B. who
was only 5'6" & could only use one foot.
North Eastern Players Mr. W Laine gave good reports of Gibbon (OR), Chopwell,
Colly, Blake (RB) 19½, 12½st & Keen (CH) of Annfield Plains.
Irish Players Mr. R Parker gave good reports of Foley (G) Cork,
and McCarthy (G) Shamrock Rovers, of whom he preferred the latter.
Raith Rovers F.C. Telegram read from Raith Rovers asking £1500
for Cowan. Decided to reiterate our request for information
as to his physical condition.
Bradford F.C. Letter read stating that Suggett was not for transfer.
Mayor of Wolverhampton Invitation for Directors to Luncheon before the Cup
Semi Final was read. Matter left in the hands of the Chairman.
Marconiphone Mr. Cuff reported his interview with the
makers representatives.
Liverpool F.C. Complaint from L'pool F.C. Directors regarding the
arrangement of the loan of ground to Schoolboys on
the 18th inst., without the usual formal mutuality was
considered. Secretary instructed to convey message regretting oversight.
Daily Herald A letter from this newspaper asking for views