254 Team Selections The following teams were selected:- v Sunderland (h) 21st inst Sagar, Cook, Cresswell, Britton, Gee, Thomson, Geldard, Dunn, Dean, Johnson & Stein Res McClure v Birmingham Res (a) Coggins, Bocking, Jones, Mercer, Clark, Archer, Critchley, Fryer, Stevens, Watson J. G. & Leyfield Res Common F.A. Cup 3rd Rd Chairman reported that we had been successful in winning toss v L'pool for choice of dates in case of replay. Director to B'gham Mr A. Coffey Storey & Tucker Secy reported that these two employees were confined to their houses with Influenza. Reports re Players Mr H Hart reported that this CHB was outstanding Graham (Notts F) man on field, good tackler & defender & passes well. J. Fare Turner (Stoke City) Mr T. Kelly reported that this CHB was very good, a good attacker, & defender. Stather (Fleetwood) Mr S Morton reported that this player was not of standard required. Heugh F (W Stanley) Mr W Laine gave a fairly good report of this L.B. League & C.L. Secy reported that these matches were postponed Matches v M/c City on a/c of F.A Cup ties. Decided to offer to play League match on Feby 1st & C.L. Match on Feb 8th. Danish Tour & ) It was decided to further defer the Matches v Linfield) consideration of these proposed matches. & Shelbourne ) Tour in South Mr Geo Evans reported that he had been America by a Mr R Cubbins re a proposed Tour. It was agreed to ask that gentleman to attend the next Board meeting. Miss Hulme It was decided to give this Booking Clerk a gratuity of £5. Kilfrost Secy reported he had arranged with Mr