246 [Meeting of Ground Committee held on Thursday 29th Decr 1932.] Present Messrs H Banks, A R Wade, J Sharp & Dr C S Baxter. Counting House Tenders were received for the additional screen in counting house as follows:- Tysons (Contractors) Ld. £5.2.6 Taylor & Curr £6.9.6 Bragg & Collins £8.18.0 It was agreed that the lowest tender be accepted. Confirmed as Correct. Chairman. [Meeting of Ground Committee held on Tuesday 3rd January 1933] Present Messrs H Banks, A R Wade, J Sharp & Dr C S Baxter. Lift & Lavatory The Final Accounts for this work were a/cs gone into and the additional work done amounting to £117.3.2 & payments were passed as follows:- J & E Hall Ld balce of a/c £79.14.0 Francis Morton & Co a/c £80.0.0 Tysons (Contractors) Ld balce of a/c £89.04.4 A Leitch & Partners a/c Fees £56.18.9 Confirmed as Correct Chairman