245 207 & 209 Walton Lane The Board confirmed the action of the Chairman in purchasing these two houses at a cost of £950. Britton It was agreed to pay this player £1 per week extra when playing in 1st Team. Letters of Thanks Letters were received from Messrs J. McKenna, C. E. Sutcliffe & T. W. Render thanking the Directors for their presents. Lift & Lavatory a/cs Decided to leave the former in the hands Screen in Counting of the Ground Committee to go into & the latter House to be left to them to accept one of the tenders received. National Childrens) An application for a collection on our Homes ) ground on March 18th inst for this institution was not acceded to. Kilfrost Secy reported that Mr. Godseff thought we might try a sample of this. G. L. Stevens Secy reported that the Southport FC had approached him with regard to our transferring this player to them for the remainder of the Season. Decided that if player was willing we would be prepared to do so. Jerseys & Knickers It was decided to purchase 2 sets of Dark Blue Jerseys & white knickers with dark blue facings as our alternative colors. Players to Watch Messrs E Green & Secy to watch Appleby (Southport) Cook (Celtic) Secy reported that the Celtic FC had phoned that fee required for transfer of this back was £5000. It was agreed that Secy proceed to Glasgow with powers to offer up to £4000. Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman