237 Daily Dispatch Letter read from Mr J P Callaghan asking Shield if we had any objection to the semifinal for this Shield being played at Anfield on 14th prox Decided to reply in the negative. Donations Agreed to give £2.2.0 to Bootle Poor Kiddies Xmas Treat Fund. Collection Permission was granted to the Students Panto Day people to take a collection inside the turnstiles only for their Hospitals Fund on 21/1/32. No performance to be given & no collection to be taken on the ground. P H Griffiths It was decided to remove this player from Transfer List. FA Charity Shield It was reported that according to Newspapers the F.A had allotted £375 to L'pool Charities. As soon as official notification was received Secy was instructed to write asking the F.A to pay same over to the Royal Southern Hospital in accordance with Minute of 18th Octr & also to notify the Hospital. Match v Army XI Letter received from Hon Secy Army F.A thanking the Board for their generosity. The Chairman The remainder of the members of the Board agreed to place on record their high appreciation of the honour conferred on our Chairman by the presentation of a Medal to commensurate his 21 years Service as Hon Secy of the Central League (this minute omitted from Meeting held on 2nd inst) Player on Transfer N Robson (Derby County) but no action taken. H Lowe Secy reported that the W Ham United FC were not now interested in this player. Special Training It was agreed that the question of sending players away for special training be considered at next meeting.