
		be put as Newspapers.

Reports re Players	Messrs A. Coffey & Secy reported that this player
Johnson (Oldham) showed some good points, but got poor assistance
		from his colleagues. Suggested he be seen again.

Celtic v Dundee		Mr H Hart reported that McGonagle (Celtic)
		had played a poor game, but that Morgan
		(RB) & Symon (RH) of Dundee had played very
		well indeed.

Watson (Blyth)		Mr J Fare reported that this IL. was a good
		young player. He was very much impressed with
		him. He was an ex-school boy international. It
		was decided we endeavour to sign him on as
		professional at £5 per week with £10 Signing on
		bonus & to give the Club a donation of £50 with
		a further £150 if he resigned at end of Season.

Hurst (Exeter City)	Mr Geo Evans reported that he considered
		this CF a very promising player.

Davies (St Cleopas)	Mr J McGill gave a good report of this

Locke (St Malachys)	Mr S Morton gave a very poor report
		of this CF.

N.E Players		Mr W Laine reported that H Bridges (LB
		Bedlington) had not played, but he had
		received good reports of CH of Annfield Plain.

Smith (Rangers)		Secy reported that the Club were not
		prepared to part with this player.

Hartill (Wolves)	He also stated that Club were not prepared
		to part with this player at present.

W R Dean		Secy reported that the League had given
		permission to pay this player's Income Tax
		amounting to £83.15.0. Decided that he repay
		it at the rate of £1 per week.

A Geldard		Letter read from League approving of
		our agreement with this player.